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Showing posts with the label things to prepare for university

Preparation for Your First Day at UK Universities

  Selecting a university and moving abroad might occasionally be like giving birth. Selecting and preparing for the first da y at UK university is a difficult, messy procedure that causes discomfort, financial hardship, and desires for unusual food, but once it's all through, you'll be happier than ever. What you need to do when you land is, in my opinion, one of the things for which you should be most prepared. I can guarantee you that new student orientation at UK universities is generally good. For those ready to start a degree, you can typically anticipate receiving a substantial packet (or perhaps times have changed and it's now emailed—you know, because I'm still calling stuff on iTunes "CDs") outlining every step you'll really take on your first day of school. If you are studying in the UK for the first time, there are certain things to prepare for university you could experience some culture shock during your first few weeks at your new scho...